by Denise Fernie

We are in Kambarang, the second Spring, and the season of birth, according to the Noongar Six Season calendar. Ordinarily, it is a transformational time where we start to have warmer days, and longer, dry periods, but with all the wonderful rain we’ve been having, the warmer days have been few so far.
Kambarang sees the landscape exploding with wildflowers of many colours and types. Along the road verges and through the bush, I have been loving the masses of blue leschenaultia and fringed lillies, as well as the various trigger plants and grass trees. I think the bush has also loved this wet winter.
It is in this season that reptiles are waking from their hibernation and you are likely to see them sunning themselves on paths or rocks, warming up and in search of food.
Birds are hatching and you can hear them calling out to parents for food. Magpies are out and about protecting their nests and babies.
Vegetables in season at the moment include asparagus, artichokes, broccoli and other brassicas, broad beans, lettuce, carrots, parsnip and rainbow chard.
Spring is a wonderfully productive time for veggie gardens. And we have herbs that are bounding out of the ground as well. Here is a recipe that my daughter made, and it was truly delicious.